Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You would think that just one day prior to the 15th of April that tax depression would be on my mind. Nope. Take a look at a recent picture of Lake Mead above. Notice something in the extreme, like say a huge water line?

George Carlin said that public education in America is not really about critical thinking. “All they, the owners of this Country, really want is for us is to be smart enough to do the paperwork and run the machines. They are not interested in the critical thinking that it takes to self govern.” Apparently the Southern Nevada Water Authority agrees with his assessment. Read on.

JC Davis of the Southern Nevada Water Authority reports that the Lake, now at its lowest level in almost 45 years, is only 30 more lost feet away from a federal shortage declaration that would mandate huge reductions in the amount each state can take from their Colorado River allotment. “We have to hope we have a decent spring. Otherwise we are headed for uncharted territory,” he says.

Our experts are working overtime to solve this dilemma, all under the watchful eye of a well educated free citizenry, correct? Read on.

The Southern Nevada Water Authority is opposed to gray water recycling, a process that recycles used water from sinks, tubs and the like for consumption in the lawn and garden area to be simple. It is currently not legal to plumb a home this way in Las Vegas. The SNWA claims ownership of the water in the gutter too, and yours which you have already bought and paid for. Here is the logic.

Because the SNWA gets extra water credits by processing used water and sending it back to the lake, they claim ownership rights to, even your pee as you flush it.
Which brings us back to the Lake? Isn’t the idea to use less water? Whose water is this anyway? It is ours, the citizenry. Or does it belong to the government to profit off of, or perhaps the public unions which run our government? They are desperate to keep up the revenue cycle to sustain their financial needs.

Their explanation would seem to support George Carlin’s Orwellian view of things, especially given the current health of the Lake’s water levels. Instead of seeing the reuse of gray water as a way of conserving water, the water authority claims that by reducing water bills, (on average 60%), by reusing gray water, somehow people would use even more water, and therefore not conserve like good citizens.

Instead they keep on with their new straw that will solve things for us by going deeper into the Lake to take water. Yea………. I could have seen through this mirage by the time I got out of the third grade, in public school no less. Come on America. Let’s take ownership of our Country back!

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